The Worst Tax Preparer Reviews

Client Review of

Jeff Mensa-Cohen, AFSP, CAA, EA

Clearwater, FL

Clearwater, FL
February 15, 2024

See other negative reviews from other people at Yelp, Google and BBB. If they try to give you a hug at this place, refuse it and let them know you are seeking a professional relationship. This place accepted payment then completely ignored my tax issue for months. At one point they stated that they were reviewing lots of tax forms that they received form the IRS. That was a lie, the IRS didn't send them anything. These were the following excuses they used for not addressing my tax issues as I paid them to do. Each of these excuses was provided separately and individually at different times as I inquired as to why they had not met the deadline to which they set and agreed to up front. 1. Jeff's dad had just recently died. 2. Denise's dad was in hospice on his death bed. 3. Denise had just gone and visited her father for the last time. 4. Denise's father had passed away. 5. Denis allegedly spent weeks and weeks in California dealing with a funeral. 6. One of their dachshunds was sick and maybe about to die. 7. Their dog died. I had thousands of dollars in IRS debt on the line which depended on a deadline. I am sorry for their personal problems, however they certainly didn't mention any of these problems when they accepted my payment and agreed to a deadline. There comes a point that I don't care about your personal s**t, do what you promised you would do!! If they tell you that you are like family now, WATCH OUT!! Tell them you won't tell them your personal problems, and you don't wanna hear about theirs. I intend to post negative reviews about these people everywhere I can; google, youtube, yelp, everywhere I can find. Please watch out for these liars. They are NOT CPA's they will imply that they have better than a CPA. LIE. Google it.
Client Review of

Lori M. Boehme

Hyde Park, UT

Hyrum, UT
February 12, 2024

Lori Bohme is a fraud! She will do anything to help her clients even if it is commiting tax fraud! I have been going through a divorvce from my x husband for 2 years, upon filing for divorce my attorney asked for the last 3 years of taxes. Come to find out my x was recieving a tax return, which was deposited into his business account that i never had access to! I was always told we owed on our taxes. I never once signed anything nor was I asked to sign. I contacted Stapley accounting and also Bruce Hall Accounting to get any records showing the signatures. I was able to obtain a few, but when i asked Lori for the copies she blamed it on the fire at Bruce Halls office and that her documents burned, which was a lie after finding out from Bruce Halls Accounting that her records were transfered to her BEFORE the fire! I have filed a police report against Lori and my x for tax fraud. I have also recently discovered that Lori is letting my X claim my son every year so the IRS will reject my taxes. I also have my x's last 3 years of taxes showing he and Lori are writing off my vehicle as a business expense on his taxes, which I have paid for my own car this whole time and it has NEVER been used for his business expenses! Loris Daughter was dating my x husbad right after I filed for divorce. She will do anything to get him ahead and financially abuse the other spouce! She is trash and unethical in her business! She needs to have her licence revoked and the IRS needs to audit all of her tax's she has filed!
Client Review of

Bettye J. Patton

Atlanta, GA

Columbia, MO
January 24, 2024

I recently had a highly disappointing experience with Ms. Bettye Patton of BJP corp, a tax preparer that I cannot recommend to anyone seeking professional assistance with their taxes. She demonstrated a complete lack of professionalism, overlooked crucial forms, displayed a startling lack of knowledge, and, to make matters worse, adamantly refused to correct the mistakes made. She filed my LLC return in 2022. I had spent a lot of time correcting her mistakes on getting all information right despite sending all the needed information. She made numerous grammatical mistakes and when I pointed out that some entries are not made, rebuffed me saying every tax prepared has their own way and she will ensure that my returns are filled to the letter. Since my experience was not good, I learned about tax filing for this year and started preparing my own taxes. That is when I discovered that in 2022, she overlooked a crucial piece of tax returns- she did not depreciate my business property and told me that she had done everything that needed to be done. When I emailed her to look into it and file an amendment, her first reply was lack of understanding as if I mentioned something she was unaware of, then she said that its there behind the software and I am getting depreciation but it’s just not visible on 1065. I asked her to show me the evidence and told her that I can’t see any entries on 1065, no 4562 form and no line 14 entry on form 8825, she went offensive on me and flatly refused to address this saying “I would like for you to seek another preparer to assist you going forward. I decline to continue to work under these conditions and do not have any time available to support the unfounded matter you are creating.” I thought that tax preparers have a duty to acknowledge and correct their mistakes and she refuses to do so. This negligence resulted in incomplete and inaccurate submissions, exposing me to potential legal and financial repercussions. Despite my attempts to rectify the situation, the preparer was unapologetic and dismissive of their oversight, demonstrating a clear lack of accountability. Because of this I did not claim all my depreciation, now must file amended 1065 with new K1 that will result in amended personal return. I do not have access to her software, so I have to reduplicate all she did on my own from scratch or pay someone dearly to do so. Equally concerning was the her apparent lack of knowledge. Basic tax concepts and regulations seemed to elude them, raising serious questions about their qualifications and competence in handling complex financial matters. It was disconcerting to realize that I had entrusted my financial information to someone with such a fundamental lack of expertise. Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of this ordeal was the tax preparer's refusal to correct the mistakes made. When presented with evidence of their errors, they stubbornly insisted that the filing was accurate, further eroding any trust I may have had in their abilities. This lack of willingness to acknowledge and address their mistakes is inexcusable and reflects a profound disregard for the well-being of her clients. In conclusion, my experience with this tax preparer was nothing short of a disaster. From unprofessionalism to overlooking crucial forms, coupled with a lack of knowledge and a refusal to correct mistakes, this individual fall far short of the standards one should expect in a professional service provider.