Tarzana, CA
October 293, 2020
2018 and 2019 were very gruesome for me, tax-wise. My family and business had so many "taxable" moving activities. So naturally, as a tax-filer, you would anticipate to "owe" taxes.
I am a person who doesn't like paying extra penalties and interests; for late filing and non-payment of taxes owed. Many of my friends, who are CPAs and lawyers, advise me to file right away even if my tax return is not complete "and then" file an amendment to correct the return later. I mentioned this to Lilly. She said, "We can file it as you wish but I am NOT recommending this." Filing an "incomplete or inaccurate" return per Lilly is more dangerous than doing it right the first time.
Yes, it was stressful opening your books to someone new. There were even questions that Lilly asked that NONE of my previous tax preparers asked. I was definitely not used to that. She definitely did some digging. In the beginning, I didn't know why she asked all these "other information". In the end, all that "digging" paid off. Instead of owing tax money, I ended up getting refunds which I never expected - not in a million years.
Lilly is super detailed. I recommend to be patient in working with her. I guarantee you that it pays off.
For next year and the next hundreds of years, me, my family, my businesses, my friends, will definitely be working with her for all our tax filing and planning needs.