Business Start-ups
Are there companies that provide search services to ascertain if a new company name will infringe on an existing name or trademark ?
You can request a report from a search company that will check records in the US Patent and Trademark Office, state registers and various other business sources. There usually is a fee for this service. Some companies are: CSC, The US Corporation Company, 1090 Vermont Ave NW, Washington DC 20005, 800 241-6518 800 241-6518. Thomson and Thomson, 500 Victory Road, North Quincy MA 02171-3145, 800-692-8833 800-692-8833.
The US Corporation Company, 1090 Vermont Ave NW, Washington DC 20005, 800 241-6518 and Thomson and Thomson, 500 Victory Road, North Quincy MA 02171-3145, 800-692-8833.
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